珠海佳力泰珀迩贸易有限公司是新加坡佳力集团在中国的子公司,旗下独家代理:CUMMINS ONAN发电机组, NAMJET喷泵,SEAFURY表面桨,ARG稳定仪,ZIPWAKE电子截浪板,CRUISAIR/MARINEAIR/CONDARIA空调与冷水机组,SEALAND船用真空马桶,VETUS船用配件,ASEAP...
珠海佳力泰珀迩贸易有限公司是新加坡佳力集团在中国的子公司,旗下独家代理:CUMMINS ONAN发电机组, NAMJET喷泵,SEAFURY表面桨,ARG稳定仪,ZIPWAKE电子截浪板,CRUISAIR/MARINEAIR/CONDARIA空调与冷水机组,SEALAND船用真空马桶,VETUS船用配件,ASEAPOWER岸电频率转换器,SEA RECOVERY海水淡化器,REYA DOLPHIN充电器,ITALWINCH锚机,COLEMAN 顶置式空调,BLUESEA船用配电板,HELLA船用灯器,SMARTPLUG岸电接头,REVERSO换油系统,GUIDI船用五金等多种知名品牌的船艇配件。目前在上海,北京,广州,珠海,厦门,武汉,南京,三亚等地设有分公司。公司秉承“使用户买得正确安心,用得放心满意”的宗旨,坚持给顾客提供最优质的产品和服务。Tritex Group is one of the largest marine equipment supplier in Asia. The HQ is located in Singapore and has a strong presence in China with 2 operating companies which are Tripower Shanghai and Zhuhai Tritex-Tripower with 6 branch outlets in Beijing, Guangzhou, Xiamen, Wuhan, Nanjing and Sanya in order to provide service throughout China. Today Tritex is the main distributor of Cummins Onan generators, Namjet jets, Seafury surface drive system, ARG boat stabilizer, Zipwake dynamic trim control system, Cruisair/ Marineair /Condaria Marine aircon/Chiller system, Sealand marine sanitation, Vetus marine accessories, Aseapower shore-power converter, Sea Recovery water maker, Reya Dolphin battery charger, Italwinch windlass, Coleman rooftop aircon, Blue Sea AC/DC panels, Hella marine lighting, Smartplug shore power connector, Reverso oil change systems, Guidi marine hardware and many others world renown marine equipments and accessories etc.
